10/25/2010 APA/PAW Award Recognition

Chehalis Renaissance Recognized for Citizen Involvement

Chehalis Community Renaissance Team, 10/25/2010

The Chehalis Renaissance was honored during the October 25 Chehalis City Council meeting. On behalf of the American Planning Association and the Planning Association of Washington, Mr. Richard Hart presented the 2010 Joint Planning "Citizen Involvement" Award to the City for the Renaissance. Mr. Hart stated that nine submissions were received in the category of Citizen Involvement and Chehalis came out as the winner!

Those who reviewed the submissions noted, "The Chehalis Renaissance project was a very sophisticated outreach effort that included a multitude of methods for obtaining citizen involvement." They went on to say, "The results defined the product, which was already seeing extensive use and implementation."

Mr. Hart congratulated the Council for their continuing efforts of engaging its citizens in the future of the community, especially during these times of difficult economic situations.

Over the last 26 years, the two joint organizations have recognized outstanding planning, and economic development and citizen participation projects throughout the state.