8/9/2013 Letter to the Editor: Kids' Museum Thrives on Community Support

Thanks for all your support! You may have seen our note in the results edition of the 2013 Best of Lewis County sponsored by The Chronicle. Those of us at Discover! Children’s Museum were pleased that so many of you acknowledged this effort with your votes in the two categories we were nominated. However, our small “thanks” hardly expresses the enormous gratitude and encouragement we felt.

As you may know, this project is a community-based, non-profit, local volunteer pilot program. We operate as part of the Chehalis Community Renaissance Team. From the start, our overall mission was to serve as a source to nurture the learning needs of our community’s children and families. 

We want to be known as a fun, friendly, safe, family place to learn and play. Your generous votes have indicated that we have met that expectation.

Every dream of this magnitude requires the creativity and effort of many dozens of individuals. Discover! Museum is no different. Behind the scenes are many talented men and women who have invested their vision, time and energy in making this a reality.

But it is you, the community, who come each day to the museum who bring us the most joy. The happy noise of play, the encouraging conversation between adults and kids, the laughter, the intensity of imagination and learning are what make this a joyful place to be. We are delighted to have you share this mission and vision with us.

Marilynn Chintella, Director
Discover! Children’s Museum